Saturday, October 24, 2015

"Look Deep Into Nature, & Then You Will Understand Everything Better" - Einstein

nature canvas


The Chinese Government has taken a very commendable step in announcing its interest in the promotion of "Eco-Farming". Ecological farming covers all methods, including but not limited to organic, which regenerates ecosystem services; examples are prevention of soil erosion, water infiltration & retention, carbon sequestration in the form of humus & increased biodiversity. With the right management & the appropriate public image, this currently Chinese project could gather enough steam to sweep across all the agricultural economies of Asia.

But, it takes more for an idea to take off than for it to be ecologically & legally sound; these are important factors, no doubt, but neither of them is sufficient to really seal a deal. It has to be couched in profit-maximizing terms. After all, every sane human being is invested in safeguarding the future...but not at the expense of the present.

These days, the most pressing issues in the agriculture sector revolve around soil contamination. Whether it is the falling water table or the fallout of military activities, there are dozens of examples to be found in Pakistan alone. Therefore, no discussion on ecological farming could be carried out without a basic understanding of the different categories of soil contamination.

Soil Contaminants

There are 2 basic varieties of soil contamination: salinisation & chemical pollution.

The European Soil Portal defines "salinisation" as follows:

"Salinisation is the accumulation of soluble salts of sodium, magnesium & calcium in soil to the extent that soil fertility is severely reduced. Salinity is the degree to which water contains dissolved salts."

LIVESTRONG.COM defines chemical pollution of the soil as follows:

"Soil pollution is the contamination of soil with harmful substances that can adversely affect the quality of the soil & the health of those living on it. Pollution can be the result of an accident or carelessness, or done on purpose through illegal dumping. Pollution is also a by-product of activities as normal as driving or maintaining a farm."

The main factor in salinisation is incorrect irrigation practices & the leading sources of soil pollution are coal ash, sewage, pesticides, herbicides & agents of war.

Profitable Plant Remedies

The list of plants that can rid soil of excess salt is practically endless. But why go to the trouble of growing a crop that will only tackle either salinisation or chemical contamination, when you can make a profit while you're at it? Given below is a list of plants that solve the afore-mentioned problems & are cash crops at the same time.


Myrica cerifera;-
The Bayberry Tree is used in herbalism as an antipyretic, antidiarrheal & antibiotic; it can be administered as a decoction, tincture, infusion or topical paste. In addition, its fruit is also a raw material for the traditional Christmas decoration known as the Bayberry Candle.

Quercus phellos:-
The wood of the Willow Oak is used primarily for pulp, paper & lumber production; the advantage of this particular option (as opposed to other sources of the raw material) is that it is known to grow quite fast.

Agave americana:-
The Centuryplant is the primary source of Agave Nectar (also known as Agave Syrup), a natural form of sugar with a low glycemic index because of its high fructose content. It is also used in the manufacture of rope, matting, coarse cloth & embroidered leather.

Rosmarinus officinalis:-
Rosemary is a well-known condiment, used in traditional dishes all over the world, but particularly in Italian cuisine. The extract & oil have proven benefits in herbalism & homeopathy. Rosemary is also a valuable raw material in the perfumery industry.

Trachelospermum jasminoides:-
Chinese Star Jessamine is a highly sought after plant in the high-end perfumery industry. It is also useful in the production of bast fiber.

Lantana camara:-
Big Sage, while occasionally used to make furniture, is considered to be very useful for its medicinal properties: owing to its antimicrobial, fungicidal & insecticidal properties, it has been successfully used in the treatment of ailments as diverse as asthma, cancer, chicken pox, leprosy, measles, rabies, respiratory infections, skin itches & ulcers.

Santolina chamaecyparissus:-
Cotton Lavender, as a decoction, is useful in the treatment of intestinal parasites. As an oil, it is also used regularly in the perfumery industry.


Hylocereus undatus:-
The Dragon Fruit is a very nutritious fruit, rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids, several B vitamins, carotene & protein.

Hyphaene thebaica:-
The fruit of the Gingerbread Tree has been shown to have hypotensive & hypolipidemic effects. The rind is used to make cakes, molasses & sweetmeats; the germinated seed shoots are eaten as a vegetable; & the fruit is considered a delicacy in the Arab World.

Schinziophyton rautanenii:-
The nuts of the Mongongo Tree are said to be so complete a food, that they are a staple diet among the San Bushmen of northern Botswana & Namibia. They are rich in polyunsaturated fats, protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper & vitamin E.

Phoenix dactylifera:-
It is not necessary to list the healthcare benefits of the fruit of the Date Palm, because dates are already well-known for their taste & nutritional value. But what most people don't know is that this tree is one of the few in which virtually every part can be put to use somewhere, be it in preparing animal feed or manufacturing a sealant for leather bags & pipes.

Ziziphus mauritania:-
Apart from being delicious & nutritious, the Jujube also has medicinal properties: it is used in the treatment of biliousness, cuts, pulmonary ailments, fever, indigestion, ulcers, pregnancy-related nausea, vomiting & abdominal pains, diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, liver troubles, asthma, gingivitis, sores & gout.


The general rule is that our relationship with Earth is best viewed as a business deal; if we don't look after the land, the land won't look after us. In the words of one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, "Colors Of The Wind":

You can own the Earth & still,
All you'll own is earth until,
You can paint,
With all the colors of the wind.

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